How Do I Get My Keurig To Stop Filling? (Explained)

how do i get my keurig to stop filling

A Keurig that won’t fill is easy enough to fix because the culprits are well-known. You can descale the machine, clean the needle with a sharp object such as a pin, and fix a defective pump. But what happens when the Keurig continues to fill?

Before experimenting with various solutions, you should start by finding the cause. Your options include the following:

1). Defective Float Switch

Most people have seen float switches even though they don’t know what these devices are called. They typically follow the same principle regardless of the appliance. You have a plastic device light enough to float on the water when the tank is full.

That plastic device allows the appliance to track the water levels. When the water rises, the plastic device will also rise. Once the water reaches the correct level, the float switch will prevent the tank from continuing to fill by cutting the water supply.

A broken float switch will cause the water to continue filling even when the tank is full. Float switches can malfunction for various reasons, including:

  • Some float switches are simply bad. They came with a factory defect. This happens all the time. Some consumers are unfortunate enough to buy products from a bad batch. Fortunately, manufacturers offer warranties that cover such issues.
  • You can damage the float switch by tampering with the coffee maker. This is why consumers are discouraged from disassembling their electronic devices. You risk doing more harm than good. Some people remove the float switch during troubleshooting and fail to re-install it correctly.
  • Look for loose connections and frayed or worn-out wires.
  • A float switch can jam because of age. Keurig coffee makers are no different from other brands. Their components wear out over time. This applies to the float switch.

How To Fix It?

Float switches are simplistic devices. Replacements for your defective switch are readily available. Keep the following in mind:

  • Start by checking the water lines. If they are clogged, clear them before you proceed.
  • You should also confirm that you positioned the tank correctly. A poorly placed water tank can interfere with the float switch’s operations, preventing the device from tracking the water level.
  • Clean the filter. Dirty filters are just as debilitating to the float switch’s work as a poorly placed water tank.
  • Did you adjust the water level? Maybe you set it too high. Fix this issue.
  • You can fix a jammed float switch. However, depending on the extent of the damage, you should consider replacing it.
  • Fortunately, you need basic household tools to replace a float switch, including pliers, a screwdriver, and an adjustable wrench. Use the manual to find the float switch. Remove it and install the new one. Naturally, you should unplug the Keurig beforehand.
  • Ask Keurig to recommend a replacement float switch. You don’t want to install the wrong replacement. The market has plenty of low-quality second-hand float switches disguised as high-quality products. Some float switches are simply incompatible with your Keurig model. A recommendation from Keurig gives you peace of mind.

2). Clogged Valve

The valve is another viable culprit if you check the float switch, and it seems okay. The valve lets water into the reservoir. Once the tank fills, the valve should close. But what if the valve refuses to close?

Have you looked for clogging? People associate clogging with dirt, debris, and coffee remnants. They forget the drastic impact hard water can have on electronic devices. ‘Hardness’ shows you the volume of dissolved calcium and magnesium in the water.

The higher the volume, the harder the water. The experts at Advantage Water Conditioning have identified hard water as a significant threat capable of reducing an appliance’s lifespan dramatically. For instance, it can reduce a dishwasher’s life from 10 to 7 years.

According to Ted R. Lingle (The Coffee Brewing Handbook), the calcium and magnesium in a coffee maker’s water reservoir work in tandem with the silica sulfate and carbonate to produce deposits.

These scales can lower the Keurig coffee maker’s efficiency, not to mention degrading the metal components. Mineral deposits can settle in the valve, preventing it from closing. If you typically track the water’s mineral content and the water is not hard enough to block the valve, inspect this component for defects.

How To Fix It?

  • Some people experiment with filtration methods like reverse osmosis that soften the water before it reaches the Keurig coffee maker.
  • Others use distilled or bottled water. Both options will either reduce the rate at which scaling occurs or eliminate it completely. However, some people can’t afford to use distilled or bottled water whenever they make coffee, and water-softening tools are even more expensive. The best option is to descale the machine every few months.
  • If the mineral deposits have already accumulated, according to Robust Kitchen, use a white vinegar solution to clean the device. You can fill the tank with the white vinegar solution before running a cycle. You can also soak a clogged valve in the vinegar to dissolve calcium deposits.
  • Any procedure that removes mineral deposits can also eliminate dirt and debris.
  • If the valve is defective, replace it.

It is worth noting that some Keurig machines don’t like distilled water. According to Roasty Coffee, these models use sensors to detect the water’s mineral content because the deposits enhance the coffee’s flavor.

3). Failed Water Pump

The pump should continue doing its work until the water reaches the appropriate level, at which point the pump should stop. For some reason, the water pump has failed to receive the signal that tells this component to stop. Or maybe it received the signal but failed to comply because of a malfunction.

How To Fix It?

Replace a defective water pump. An experienced technician should make this decision. They will first test the water pump. They will also troubleshoot the Keurig coffee maker to determine whether any other component is responsible for the overflowing water.

That includes clogging in the hose and broken or corroded connections. They will recommend a new water pump if a replacement is the only viable solution to your problem.

Other Ways To Fix It

  • Disconnect the coffee maker from the wall outlet.
  • Remove the water tank.
  • Turn the device upside down.
  • Shake the Keurig slightly.
  • Tap the bottom of the machine a few times.

If the solutions above fail to produce the results you want, call a professional. The easiest way to stop the water from flowing is to unplug the coffee maker from the wall outlet. Once the water stops, take the device to a technician.

A contributor to this Reddit post had a Keurig machine that wouldn’t stop filling after a power failure. They resolved the issue by emptying the reservoir and leaving the Keurig unplugged overnight. They plugged the device in the next day, and it worked without overflowing. But if this option fails, get professional help.

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